Safe andSupportiveEnvironment
ABLE Charter will provide a safe and supportive environment in numerous ways. Our program will be in the Inner City of Stockton, Ca, Located on 6515 Inglewood Ave Stockton, CA 95207. All programs will be in ourgated campus. Security will be present to ensure a safe campus. ABLE will have a distinct fire drill and lock down drill. With more movement and students leaving and entering, different systems need to be in place. Our programs will be using an App called ProCare. ProCare will be utilizing different modalities. ProCare will keep rostering and attendance records. This will ensure that there is the proper ratio of staff to students to maintain a safe environment. In the event of a fire drill or lock down drill, ProCare will keep track of students on campus and the room they, their location. Qualified staff will also be able to provide a supportive environment. Staff will be able to assist in but not limited to; homework, tutoring, Social Emotional Skills, Physical Play, and learning new content. Staff is trained to support students’ well-being and learning.
Active and Engaged Learning
ABLE’s program will be able to provide opportunities for students to experience Students will be able to engage with different technology that are age appropriate. Apps such as Blocky, Sphero, and Osmos, and Accompanied robots such as Dot, Dash and Sphere will be utilized as well. Students will be able to code certain actions on the iPad and will correlate to the paired robot. Students will also continue their education in social emotional learning. Character Strong, a social emotional curriculum, will be used during the general education day but will be supported in the program. Student will be able to complete extension activities, which will include reflection activities, social emotional playground games and sing-a- longs about character traits. Students will also be able to expand on physical play. Designated stations and equipment will beimplemented. Physical play such as specific sports and obstacle courses will supplement their physical learning. Students will also enhance their art abilities.
Skill Building
ABLE’s extended program will offer different modalities of skill building. Students will be able to foster coding skills. Programs will be offered for students to using robots. Students will be guided in lessons on how to code and create movements in robots. ABLE will also be utilizing Osmo’s- a hands on learning experience with iPads. Osmo’s fosters math and creativity through play-based games. Students will also create art projects basedon the weekly theme. Students will practice different types of art and be able to express and develop their skills. Students will be able to build skills in physical education. Center Based physical education will allow students to practice physical skills, structure and purpose. Students will also be able to practice their skillbuilding in social emotional skills. Character strong will be used to support students in peer mediations, identifying feelings, and strengthening specific characteristics. ASP will also incorporate a hand writing/ cursive curriculum for our TK-6.